Improve Your RAG Performance with Graph-Based AI. Download our free white paper.

Your AI
Redemption Is Here

Use Lettria to embed trust
and explainability into GenAI apps.

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Not all data was created with AI in mind.

Talk to an expert
It’s no secret. Left to its own devices, AI can make mistakes, hallucinate and eliminate critical details.
Luckily, GraphRAG works great on complex unstructured data.
Parse and process complex data while controlling quality with our business-friendly graphRAG platform.
Build trust and explainability into your apps.
Ashleigh N. Faith
Knowledge Graph & Ontology expert, AI/ML Speaker
"Lettria's no-code platform is a huge perk in the graphRAG space where many who don’t work in ontologies may find themselves needing a tool like this to help make sense of the outputs."
Brad Bebee
General Manager of Amazon Neptune and Timestream
"Graphs can improve the reliability of generative AI applications by leveraging the power of the relationships in your data. Lettria, an AWS Partner, is innovating to enable customers build more reliable generative AI applications faster by using graph data."

Hear what our customers are saying

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"Category managers rapidly improve ecommerce product recs with automated document parsing and robust data model enrichment."

"In 2 weeks, Lettria implemented a system for parsing and processing 50,000 online reviews per day for POS optimization and more."

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"1 million calls per year are automatically processed for conversational analysis and entered into
the CRM system."

"Lettria automatically parsed and processed 1300 unstructured texts to generate strategic recommendations for a re-org."

"The Investor Relations team easily created an AI-copilot to reduce by 4 the time they spent on Q&A with shareholders."

"10,000 unstructured patient reports per month teach the machine to read medical reports and understand technical terminology."

Our knowledge parsing & processing platform allows you to:

Unlock Deep Knowledge

Your domain is your value.
Leverage complex, cryptic, evolving, and distributed data for clever
AI use cases.

Maintain Explainability

Tracing each assumption back to its source is the only way for a machine to maintain credibility.

Build Trust

Impress your users with the quality of responses, and keep the business engaged in a transparent data model.

Automate the Grunt Work

Make quick work out of converting text into a knowledge graph.
Turn months of monotony into
a coffee break.

Prevent Hallucinations

Running complex data through baseline RAG creates abstractions and dissolves context. GraphRAG keeps subtleties intact.

Get started with GraphRAG in just 2 minutes.

Talk to an expert