Lettria Knowledge Studio

Turn Unstructured Text into a Graph

80% of your organization’s data is unstructured, and hence unused.

Take unstructured, raw text data and easily build a knowledge graph with all detected entities and relationships. Get more leverage out of your texts with just a few clicks, no coding required.

Discover how AP-HP turned patient data into a goldmine of information

How AP-HP uses knowledge graphs to structure patient data

Build and enrich your knowledge graph.

with Lettria you can fly ahead by leveraging the rest of the data in your business.

While most graphs are built using structured, tabular data, with Lettria you can go one step ahead and start leveraging the rest of the data in your business.

Use Lettria's highly developed ontology, or your own.

Start with our internal ontology – over 1,000,000 words and concepts about the world – to build your knowledge graph.

For more custom use cases, you can also use your own organization’s ontology. Lettria’s Knowledge Studio can work with all standard formats.

Read more about our knowledge management tools →

Use the Graph DB that works for you.

While we use neo4j to visualize graphs on our platform, you can use any platform you like – TigerGraph, ArangoDB, MongoDB, Amazon Neptune… We’re able to adapt to your needs.

We are platform-agnostic. The important thing is your access to your knowledge.

Your text made into a graph, step by step:

Here's what we offer in four steps:

1. Raw text import

The first step is to import all the your raw text that you want to use to build your graph.

2. Ontology import

The next step is to import your ontology — including the exact types of relationships and nodes that you want to identify.

3. Ontology alignment

We'll then align your ontology with the one we have internally, to make sure that we use the best of both for maximum accuracy.

4. Text to graph processing

Finally, we'll build the graph database based on all the information in your raw text.

What can you use graph databases for?

Tap into relationships between your data

With graph databases you can gain deeper insight into relationships between different concepts in your data, revealing new connections.

Make higher quality data-driven decisions

Build more accurate predictive models that use the relationships between different aspects of your data to make decisions and predictions.

See our text to graph demo in action

We've built a text to graph demo that's already live on our platform.
Here's what it looks like.

Get started with GraphRAG in just 2 minutes

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